On Tuesday the 23rd of June, We at Seabeach hosted our annual leavers presentation in which we say goodbye to our school leavers and wish them all the very best of luck in the next stage of the educational journey.
As you can imagine this was a very bittersweet event for us. Luckily the sun was shining so with the weather in our favour, we took to the garden.
To the parents of our schoolies this year, the Seabeach team would like to again thank you sincerely for putting your children in our care. It hasn’t been without it’s tears, tantrums and turbulence but, I can whole heartedly, on behalf of us all though say that it has been a joy, a privilege and an honour. We have watched these children grow from room to room, from baby explorers to curious toddlers and then of course onto grown up, independent pre-schoolers who are more than ready for their next big step.
I for one am immensely proud that we at Seabeach could play a part in the class of 2015’s lives.
All that remains to be said is, Alex, Angus, Chloe, Craig, Dylan, Eva, Lewis, Poppy, and Struan, This world is yours for the taking, Go use that Seabeach spirit to get out there and grab it!