Today Emily and Henry the Horse from Child Smile came out to visit the Preschool and toddlers . She red us a story about Peppa Pig going to the dentist and talked to everyone about brushing our teeth – when to brush them, how many times do we brush them?, what’s good for our teeth […]

We would like to say a big thank you to Ava’s mum for coming in to spend some time with us this morning in the preschool room. We all enjoyed the stories that she took time to read to us!
The Under 2’s at Rocking Horse enjoyed a refreshing walk in the Figgate Park this morning. On the way, we splashed in a puddle with our wellies on and put some leaves in it. We also met Angel the dog and watched the ducks and geese swimming in the pond.
Today we were very excited we got to travel on a bus to the Brunton theatre this was especially great as our focus in the preschool room is transport. When there we got to watch ‘Old MacDonald had a farm’. Seabeach & Rocking horse joined in the fun with lots of sing along songs including […]
We would like to say big THANK YOU to all the parents, carers and children at Rocking Horse Nursery for donating items to our Harvest box. Caroline, Viv and the Toddlers distributed the items to Portobello Parish Church who were extremely grateful. Ina MacDonald at the church was very appreciative and the donations will also be […]
The preschoolers at Seabeach have had fun exploring the new additions to our water tray. Various lengths of simple tubing created over an hour of entertainment as the children explored how the water shot out of the tubes. In true Seabeach fashion this of course lead to an epic water fight. They also paid tribute […]

The Preschool room at Rocking Horse took a trip to the Recycling Education Cabin at Seafield as part of our Ecoschools. We got to see what types of materials we can recycle, where to recycle them and where our waste ends up. . […]
All children have thoroughly enjoyed themselves on these Wednesday morning sessions with Scott & Tony, as well as keeping our preschoolers active other benefits include: Listening and co-operation, Motor skills (Developing) and team work. We really had great fun whilst learning new skills & movements. October 2014
Week 7 of Preschool taking part in Progressive sports, the children have developed great listening skills for following through instructions for the activities/games implemented.

The Under 2’s topic at the moment is Transport. We travelled by bus to Waverly Station and then we caught a train to Wallyford. This gave the children two great experiences travelling both on a bus and a train. On the way, we were very excited to see a Tram and a Piper. We were very lucky as the Piper […]