Jungle Explorers @ Rocking Horse

This month we are learning about the jungle and the animals in the jungle, we took a little trip to The National Museum of Scotland. We pretended to be jungle explorers and went in search for all the jungle animals. We saw all the different types of animals from huge elephants to tiny little spiders and lizards. We really cant believe how big the elephant, rhino and hippo were, we were scared they were going to squish us!! We felt how smooth an elephants tusks are, it was really cool! We also had a turn at playing the animal sounds game and we did great.. until we all got super excited and just kept pressing any buttons, it was really funny. The leaf cutting ants were very interesting in the interactive play room. We watched them bite away at the leaves and carry them back to their underground nest. The ants must have been super strong because the leaves were sometimes twice the size of the ants. So after a long hard afternoon being jungle explorers, the preschool children enjoyed a well deserved snooze on the bus back to nursery.

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